Shell Game

We were deceived, snookered, tricked, and left gaping helplessly at our

own gullibility. The fact is; we participated in the beginning of our own

demise. Clueless, guileless… like the proverbial frog in boiling water…

though, unlike the hapless frog, we were clamoring to reach out of the

pot and turn up the heat on ourselves.

In the grand scheme of existence; this self-immolation, born of ignorance,

did not actually take or last or very long. We were blissfully ignorant.

We were mushroomed… kept in the dark and… well …. you get the idea.

We should not be too hard on ourselves. It wasn’t just one or two of us.

It was generations of our kind being misled by the unkind, selfish, deceitful,

profit-mongering forces of commerce.
